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TORMEK sharpening machines


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Tormek T-4 grinder


New product

New Tormek T-4 debuted in October 2014 and replaced the original Tormek T-3. Main advantage of T-4 is zinc cast body which houses all vital components securely.

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11 992 Kč tax incl.

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With the Tormek T-4 you get a high quality machine ideal for home and hobby work. You get access to the extensive Tormek jig system and can sharpen practically all common edge tools.

- Grinder from Swedish manufacturer Tormek
- Great cost to performance ratio
- Body is from solid zinc casting and ABS plastic
- Water cooled grinding wheel with 200mm diameter and 40mm width (SG-200)
- Leather honing wheel LA-145
- 120 rpm
- Power consumption 120W
- Dimensions (HxWxD): 230x260x200 mm
- Weight 8 Kg
- Up to 7 years of warranty
- Official Czech distribution

Tormek T-4 is an enhancement of the T-3 model taking the precision and stability to a completely new level. Vital functions like the motor and the main shaft are mounted in the zinc cast top, which also includes integrated sleeves for the Universal Support. This advanced design ensures an unbeatable precision for the Universal Support, which control all jigs and accessories.

Like the larger Tormek models, the T-4 is equipped with the Tormek Original Grindstone SG-200. It is optimized to combine efficient steel removal, smooth surface finish and long life. With the included Stone Grade SP-650, you can alter the stone surface from 220 grit to about a 1000 grit surface, giving you two different sharpening qualities in one stone.

The T-4 is well suited for sharpening chisels, knives, scissors and smaller tools like carving tools. It also works with turning tools and drill bits, but for plane irons and moulding knives we recommend one of the larger Tormek machine models. Note that a few shapes of gouges cannot be honed with the SVD-186 Gouge jig on the leather honing wheel due to the compact size of the Tormek T-4. These tools can be honed freehand instead.

The motor is rated for 30 minutes continuous use at a time. This is usually more than enough for the house need, but if you sharpen more we advise you to take a look at one of the larger Tormek machine models which can run continuously.

Tormek T-4 is delivered with the Stone Grader SP-650, the AngleMaster WM-200, Honing compound PA-70 and the Tormek Handbook on sharpening. Configure the T-4 with your choice of jigs according to the tools that you are to sharpen (sold separately)

TORMEK T-4 details
With the sleeves for the Universal Support now being cast in the zinc top, together with the new Tormek stadium shaped design of the holes (patent pending) – the precision has been improved by 300% compared to T-3
The handle makes the machine easy to move and position. So you are not tempted to make the mistake and try to lift the machine with the Universal Support.
Vital parts like the motor and the main shaft are integrated within the zinc cast top.
The machine plate is now made of metal, which makes i a convenient place to store the Tormek AngleMAster (which has magnetic feet).

T-4 box contains:
T-4 Tormek grinder
Grinding wheel Tormek SG-200
Leather honing wheel LA-145
Stone Grader SP-650
AngleMaster WM-200
Honing compound PA-70
Instructional DVD
Tormek Handbook HB-10 – in english
Czech manual

For manual in Czech click here.

Note: The cost of product already includes recycling fee for electric waste.


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Je to drahý, ale funguje to.
S takovým nářadím je radost pracovat.
Na kamenu je s broušením víc práce a je potřebný daleko delší čas.
Vyměnil bych matici na uchycení lapovacího kola za ručně povolitelnou matici.
A háčky na nichž drží miska s vodou by taky mohli být bytelnější aby tam ta miska držela víc.
No a teď se na tom naučit pořádně brousit.

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Parádní stroj.


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Tormek T-4 grinder

Tormek T-4 grinder

New Tormek T-4 debuted in October 2014 and replaced the original Tormek T-3. Main advantage of T-4 is zinc cast body which houses all vital components securely.


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