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TORMEK sharpening machines


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Tormek T-8 professional grinder


New product

In the middle of 2016 the Tormek company came out with a new Tormek T-8 grinder. New grinder will be replacing the very popular T-7 grinder and brings new innovations to already great sharpening system. Main difference from T-7 is that T-8 has body made from zinc casting, improved water trough with scraper and new fixing mechanism. The T-8 comes with SE-77 square edge jig.

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20 930 Kč tax incl.

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The Tormek T-8 sharpening machine maximises the precision with its revolutionary fully cast housing. This new design, together with a number of elaborated details, gives you the best conditions possible for a successful sharpening with top results.

- Slow turning speed 90 rpm
- Massive construction suited for professional use in industry
- Water cooled corundum wheel (aluminum oxide) 250x50mm
- Leather honing wheel 220 x 31 mm
- Central shaft made from stainless steel with easy locking with EzyLock nut
- Body is made from zinc casting with covers from durable ABS plastic
- Maintenance free industrial motor 220V, power consumption 200W, silent (54dB), can be run continuosly with lifetime of 25.000 hours
- Dimensions: 270 x 270 x 330 mm (H x W x D)
- Grinder weight: 14,8 Kg
- Packaging weight total: 17,8 Kg
- 7 year warranty
- Official Czech distribution

The advanced design ensures an unbeatable precision for the Universal Support, which is the foundation of the Tormek sharpening system, since it controls all grinding jigs and accessories. The former mounted sleeves for the Universal Support are now integrated in this model's fully cast machine housing. This update will increase the accuracy in your sharpening.

The characteristic drive system of Tormek is also implemented in this new model. The efficient system manages to maintain a constant speed, even under full load - something unique for Tormek’s sharpeners. Tormek Original Grindstone SG-250sharpen all qualities of steel, including HSS. The powerful AC motor is designed to drive the full size grindstone during continuous use.

The water trough has been further improved with a screw lift for an easier fitting. It also has a double function magnetic scraper; during sharpening the magnet collects steel particles and after sharpening the scraper will make it easy to clean the water trough. For long tools that may drip water outside the water trough (like chef’s knives and planer blades), you can easily fit the included water chute onto the edge of the water chute.

Another worked through detail is the stainless steel main shaft with Tormek’s unique EzyLock nut, which automatically set the stone to the right torque without tools. EzyLock also makes it easy to switch stone if you work with Tormek special stones Tormek Blackstone Silicon (SB-250) or Tormek Japanese Waterstone (SJ-250)

T-8 package contains:
- T-8 grinder
- Corrundum grind wheel SG-250
- vana se škrabkou včetně odkapávací lišty pro dlouhé nástroje Water trought with scraper and water chute
- Leather honing wheel LA-220
- Universal support US-105
- SE-77 square edge jig for straigh chisels and plane irons
- Truing tool TT-50
- Grading stone SP-650
- AngleMaster WM-200
- Honing compound PA-70
- DVD video
- Tormek manual HB-10  - in english
- Czech manual

New features

Integrated sleeves
The sleeves for the Universal Support are integrated into the fully cast housing. That guarantees minimal play for the Universal Support; an innovation which improves the control of the sharpening and increases the accuracy of the final result.

Improved water trough
The Advanced Water Trough has been further imrpoved with a screw lift for an easier fitting and a magnetic scraper for efficient cleansing.

For manual in Czech click here.

Note: The cost of product already includes recycling fee for electric waste.


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Naše recenze zveřejněná na, pod číslem 12627847

Opravdu profi výrobek. Silná a tichá. Kvalitní provedení. Práce s ní je radost!

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Naše recenze zveřejněná na, pod číslem 10967875

Kvalitně zpracovaný, profesionální a dobře fungující strj. Tomu odpovídá i cena. Stroj splnil očekávání a předpokládám, že ještě velmi dlouho plnit bude.

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Kvalitní výrobek, provedení odpovídá ceně.

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Naše recenze zveřejněná na, pod číslem 10733962

Milí, vstřícní a ochotní prodavači. Zboží jsem ještě nevyzkoušel, ale bylo dodáno rychle a v naprostém pořádku. Spolehlivý obchod, můžu vřele doporučit.


Naše recenze zveřejněná na, pod číslem 9102172

Perfektní brusný systém pro mokré broušení s nímž se dá poměrně snadno dosáhnout velmi dobrých výsledků. Na perfektní je ale potřeba trochu trénovat. K brusce doporučuji dokoupit gumovou podložku, při broušení voda chtě nechtě odkapává. Pokud hodláte pravidelně používat obtahovací kotouč, doporučuji i otočnou desku - na časté otáčení při střídání mezi broušením/obtahováním je bruska přeci jenom dost těžká.
Bruska funguje perfektně, je tichá, motor výkoný.
Jako zdroj užitečných informací bych uvedl diskuzní fórum, sekce "jak a čím brousit", diskusní téma "Brusky Tormek"
Jedinou nevýhodou tak zůstává cena.

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Tormek T-8 professional grinder

Tormek T-8 professional grinder

In the middle of 2016 the Tormek company came out with a new Tormek T-8 grinder. New grinder will be replacing the very popular T-7 grinder and brings new innovations to already great sharpening system. Main difference from T-7 is that T-8 has body made from zinc casting, improved water trough with scraper and new fixing mechanism. The T-8 comes with SE-77 square edge jig.


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